Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ohhhhhh....the Kitchen.....

THIS is what happens when you just pile things up.  Or when you let your kids and dh do the cooking.   Or when you have dogs.  Or when you just don't have enough room to put everything away.  *sigh*

Yesterday, as I was putting things away, I found evidence of rodential (my own special word) activity in one of my drawers.  I really thought that my plan for total annihilation of all things mouse had worked, but apparently I missed one or two, and I missed a hole which they have been using to escape the walls.  So today, I am focused on the kitchen (and laundry - we must have clean clothes in this house TODAY).  Here's what I started with:

 Yep, the vacuum has been laying there for days.  We just step over it now.  No room for it where it's supposed to go - that will probably be next week's project (coat closet).  The stain is from a spill - I'll need to get the shampooer out once the room is tidied and vacuumed well.

 The front of the fridge really isn't too bad.  I don't like a lot of stuff on there, although the kids and DH LOVE to put things on there.  :)  Mostly, I need to take the stuff off the top and give it a good wipe-down.  Oh, and clean it out.  That's a different story.  :)

Nope, no cooking in our house right now.  DH does everything on the grill during the summer, anyway.  Who needs a stove-top?  :)  Actually, a lot of that stuff is from our pop-up camper, getting washed and re-loaded in preparation for camping.

 Nowhere to put the cool new tumblers I bought at Sam's Club.  Why did I have to have 6?  I don't know.  That's how many came in the box.  I'll have to clear a shelf for them now.  I guess the Christmas dishes can go in the attic, too.

I don't even know what to say about this. We all just kept bringing stuff in, and nothing went out.  AND we are out of storage in the pantry, etc.  Time to de-clutter!

This is my "home office solution."  This big contraption (The Desk Apprentice from Staples) actually houses an organized system of file folders (tickler file), phone books, pens, scissors, paper clips, etc. for household tasks like bill-paying and permission-slip-signing, but even it got covered up.

OK, so that's the "befores"  I wish there was a way to post the "afters" side-by-side, but I'm not that good with Blogger yet.  (Oh, and I don't have any, because I need to be working on them instead of blogging!)  :)   Guess I'd better get started!!!

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